Saturday, December 22, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Rant: I hate you so much now Youtube.

Stop with all the god damn recommendations. Sure one or two, even five is OK, but seriously nearly 90% of my What To Watch section, the default page when you first get to Youtube, does not need to be recommendations. Just like anybody I like to watch videos I have not seen before but I still would like to watch videos of Youtubers I follow and not have their videos lost in an overbearing sea of recommendations. It just pisses me off when I go to Youtube and just want to see what videos of a Youtuber I like but I have to scroll down through near 20 recommendations to find an new video by a Youtuber I like. Also sometimes new videos by Youtubers I follow don’t always appear on my front page, WTF Youtube. I have to under my subscriptions tab to find them. Youtube you seriously need to start limiting how many recommendations your posting. Or allow an option to limit how many are posted or to be able to turn on or off recommendations. Another thing you could allow is one of those check boxes for uploads only on the front page. Youtube used to be a website I could go to easily find and watch the videos I wanted to watch, but now with the recent site update it’s just become an recommendation video whore.
Rant Over.

Wish I found out about this guy sooner. (docfuture1)

Kick Ass And Chew Bubblegum


Friday, December 7, 2012

Stupid Stuff: Geek Snuggies

Snuggies, backwards robes for lazy ass people that sit and watch TV all day, now made for geeks.

FYI if you want to buy one go here