Thursday, January 23, 2014

Feel like showing off my villagers in my town. Some of them I hope never move away.

My Dream Address is 4300-3456-8261 and town name is Nowhere.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 31 The Devil Within Her/I Don't Want to Be Born (1975)

Happy Halloween!

Day 31 was the British horror movie I Don't Want to Be Born. I watched it under the US release title of The Devil Within Her.

My review:

The Devil Within Her was a pretty OK, that has some flaws by modern movie standards. The plot of this movie is not bad but poorly executed. The acting in this movie OK for this movie no one does a real bad job or a really great job just OK. While I do like to give spoiler free-ish reviews of movies I review I will say this that this movie is about a family dealing with a demon baby and how this baby got cursed is the main flaw of this movie being taken seriously. The cutaways that deal with the baby are the funniest thing in this movie. The effects in this movie are OK, your standard 70's movie effects. The ending of this movie is kind of unsatisfying how it ends. FYI for the last ten minutes of this film you may want to keep some aspirin near by trust me you'll need it. This movies also has some of the stupidest camera work/effects I seen in a while. I would recommend this movie who is looking for a so it's bad it's good movie.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 30 Sick Nurses (2007)

Day 30 was the Thai horror Sick Nurses.


My Review:

Sick Nurses is one of more interesting movies I've seen in a while, but not really for any good reasons. This movie you might say might fall in the so bad it's good category but that might be stretching it a bit. The way the plot unfolds and how some scenes play out makes me wonder if this movie is supposed to be a horror comedy, but something tells me it's not. There are a lot of scenes that will make you laugh more then be grossed out by gore or scream in horror. Basically every character in this movie is jerk and deserves what the get in the end, The ghost/demon in this movie is pretty cheesy once you get a close look at her. The effects in this movie range from pretty good to umm your really went with that effect. When there's blood involved it is either crappy CG and/or over top large amounts of blood. This movie has an interesting twist to it that I kind of was not exciting. I would recommend this movie to anyone who might be looking for an interesting horror movie that might make them laugh and doesn't mind reading subtitles.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 29 Session 9 (2001)

Day 29 was the psychological horror movie Session 9. Featuring David Caruso and Paul Guilfoyle of CSI fame. 

My Review:

Session 9 was an OK movie to watch, it was not bad but not great either. The plot of this movie is interesting to watch it keeps you guessing of why the men in this movie are doing the things they are doing and does not really make sense until the end of whats going on in this movie, which not really a bad thing. The acting in this movie is OK, no real stand out performances, but all the the actors served their purpose of making their character somewhat interesting and help move the plot along were needed. The setting of the asylum really adds a nice touch to the movie by making everything seem mysterious. I would not say this is a scary movie but it is a good watch if you have nothing else to do for your afternoon. I would recommend this movie to anyone who's a fan of psychological horror or to anyone likes non-scary horror movies.

Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 28 Horror Express (1972)

Day 28 was the horror movie Horror Express starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

The Horror Express I found to be a enjoyable movie to watch. The plot and story are very interesting and are told very well. All the acting is done very good for the most part. The creature in this movie is a breath of fresh air compared to most other movie creatures. This movie  is a entertaining horror movie with a nice twist. One of the issues in this movie has that during the first half of the movie when the creature is in it's first form the movie suffers from some bad edits and cutaways. I found this movie to very entertaining and possible underrated. I would recommend this movie to any horror fan that likes horror movies with a good story and an interesting twist to it's story.

You can watch and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 27 Madhouse (1974)

Day 27 was the horror/thriller starring Vincent Price and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

MadHouse was an overall OK movie to watch, it just has some flaws that are holding it back from being good. The plot was overall pretty good it made all the characters seem interesting and the presented in an interesting way. All the actors did a good job in their roles and the story interesting. The effects in the movie OK for a 70's budget horror movie. The only real issue I had was that the pacing of the movie was kind of bad in certain parts and some of the characters that enter the film after the second killing in movie are laughable bad of how they are portrayed, I do not know if this was done on purpose though. The movie is full of clips of Vincent Price's past movies, for a good reason, but it just seems kind of lazy that they didn't shoot new footage instead of showing the past movie clips because none of the clips show Vincent in the proper makeup that he wears to define his character in the movie. This movie also has a little issue liking to use artistic camerawork now and then. I would only really recommend this movie to a Vincent Price and/or Peter Cushing fan or someone who likes B 70's horror movies.