Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 28 Horror Express (1972)

Day 28 was the horror movie Horror Express starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

The Horror Express I found to be a enjoyable movie to watch. The plot and story are very interesting and are told very well. All the acting is done very good for the most part. The creature in this movie is a breath of fresh air compared to most other movie creatures. This movie  is a entertaining horror movie with a nice twist. One of the issues in this movie has that during the first half of the movie when the creature is in it's first form the movie suffers from some bad edits and cutaways. I found this movie to very entertaining and possible underrated. I would recommend this movie to any horror fan that likes horror movies with a good story and an interesting twist to it's story.

You can watch and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

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