Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 30 Sick Nurses (2007)

Day 30 was the Thai horror Sick Nurses.


My Review:

Sick Nurses is one of more interesting movies I've seen in a while, but not really for any good reasons. This movie you might say might fall in the so bad it's good category but that might be stretching it a bit. The way the plot unfolds and how some scenes play out makes me wonder if this movie is supposed to be a horror comedy, but something tells me it's not. There are a lot of scenes that will make you laugh more then be grossed out by gore or scream in horror. Basically every character in this movie is jerk and deserves what the get in the end, The ghost/demon in this movie is pretty cheesy once you get a close look at her. The effects in this movie range from pretty good to umm your really went with that effect. When there's blood involved it is either crappy CG and/or over top large amounts of blood. This movie has an interesting twist to it that I kind of was not exciting. I would recommend this movie to anyone who might be looking for an interesting horror movie that might make them laugh and doesn't mind reading subtitles.

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