Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 27 Madhouse (1974)

Day 27 was the horror/thriller starring Vincent Price and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

MadHouse was an overall OK movie to watch, it just has some flaws that are holding it back from being good. The plot was overall pretty good it made all the characters seem interesting and the presented in an interesting way. All the actors did a good job in their roles and the story interesting. The effects in the movie OK for a 70's budget horror movie. The only real issue I had was that the pacing of the movie was kind of bad in certain parts and some of the characters that enter the film after the second killing in movie are laughable bad of how they are portrayed, I do not know if this was done on purpose though. The movie is full of clips of Vincent Price's past movies, for a good reason, but it just seems kind of lazy that they didn't shoot new footage instead of showing the past movie clips because none of the clips show Vincent in the proper makeup that he wears to define his character in the movie. This movie also has a little issue liking to use artistic camerawork now and then. I would only really recommend this movie to a Vincent Price and/or Peter Cushing fan or someone who likes B 70's horror movies. 

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