Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 31 The Devil Within Her/I Don't Want to Be Born (1975)

Happy Halloween!

Day 31 was the British horror movie I Don't Want to Be Born. I watched it under the US release title of The Devil Within Her.

My review:

The Devil Within Her was a pretty OK, that has some flaws by modern movie standards. The plot of this movie is not bad but poorly executed. The acting in this movie OK for this movie no one does a real bad job or a really great job just OK. While I do like to give spoiler free-ish reviews of movies I review I will say this that this movie is about a family dealing with a demon baby and how this baby got cursed is the main flaw of this movie being taken seriously. The cutaways that deal with the baby are the funniest thing in this movie. The effects in this movie are OK, your standard 70's movie effects. The ending of this movie is kind of unsatisfying how it ends. FYI for the last ten minutes of this film you may want to keep some aspirin near by trust me you'll need it. This movies also has some of the stupidest camera work/effects I seen in a while. I would recommend this movie who is looking for a so it's bad it's good movie.

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