Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 29 Session 9 (2001)

Day 29 was the psychological horror movie Session 9. Featuring David Caruso and Paul Guilfoyle of CSI fame. 

My Review:

Session 9 was an OK movie to watch, it was not bad but not great either. The plot of this movie is interesting to watch it keeps you guessing of why the men in this movie are doing the things they are doing and does not really make sense until the end of whats going on in this movie, which not really a bad thing. The acting in this movie is OK, no real stand out performances, but all the the actors served their purpose of making their character somewhat interesting and help move the plot along were needed. The setting of the asylum really adds a nice touch to the movie by making everything seem mysterious. I would not say this is a scary movie but it is a good watch if you have nothing else to do for your afternoon. I would recommend this movie to anyone who's a fan of psychological horror or to anyone likes non-scary horror movies.

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