Wednesday, October 31, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 31 Psycho (1960)

Day 31 film was Alfred Hitchcock's classic Psycho.

My Review:

Overall I found this to be an excellent slasher/suspense film. This film has an excellent story and actors. All the sets and camera work for this film are done very good. This film is one of the best horror films I have seen in awhile it provides an very interesting story line that you almost get warped up in it. The attention to detail of how a murder acts during and after their murders is done very well. I would recommend this to any slasher movie fan or fans of good cinema. 

31 Days of Horror: Day 30 Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus (2009)

Day 30 was the modern day b-movie monster film Mega Shark Versus Giant Octopus.

My Review:

Overall this was an awesome b-movie adventure. This was my first time seeing an movie by The Asylum and there will be more. This movie is the perfect b-movie all the laughable bad dialogue and over the top scenes featuring the monsters were great to watch too. If you like Birdemic you'll like this too. The cheesy CGI monsters and even cheesier film sets are so stupid that they actually make film even better just by having them there. This one of the better b-movies I've seen in a little while. I would recommend this film to any b-movie or Asylum movie lover.

31 Days of Horror: Day 29 Army of Darkness (1992)

Day 29 was final part in the Evil Dead series the Army of Darkness.

My review:

Overall this was a good movie to watch, I found it very enjoyable. This movie had a lot of good moments in it. It was very entertaining and funny to watch. The jokes and the gags in this movie are very good. You got to love those Deadites. The special effects were done very well in this film, while some of them a little old fashion looking they still work great for the movie. All the acting was don very well and the story flowed nicely. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking for something different to watch or anyone interested in the Evil Dead movies.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 28 Evil Dead II (1987)

Day 28 film is Evil Dead II starring Bruce Campbell. 

My review:

I overall impression of this film was that I really enjoyed this one. This movie is more of a remake than an sequel which does not hurt it. It basically retells what happens in the first film but with new characters added in and told in a different way with a different ending. This film has more of a comedic tune to it than the first film which was played more off as an straight horror film. The comedy in this film is very funny and plays well in the film. The special effects are awesome in this film and the gore is pretty good in this film too. Everyone in this film, especially Campbell, all play their roles very well and seem well suited for the film. I can now see why when people refer to the Evil Dead why this film is usually the one they draw examples from. I would recommend this to any horror comedy fan or anyone looking for a horror film that is enjoyable to watch.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 27 The Evil Dead (1983)

Day 27 film is horror classic The Evil Dead starring but who else Bruce Campbell.

My Review:

My overall impression of this film is that I loved watching this film. While the film can run a little slower than current horror films it is still an very enjoyable film. Pretty much everything in this film was done very well from story to the special effects. The acting in this film was done very well and pretty much everyone played their role in a believable way. The special effects, while done in an old school way, are all done very nicely and effectively. The camera work is also very nice in this film. I can know see why this film has such a following and why people like it so much. I would recommend this film to any horror fan or any gore junkie.

31 Days of Horror: Day 26 Birdemic: Shock and Terror (2008)

Day 26 was b-movie classic Birdemic: Shock and Terror.

My Review:

Overall this is one of best it's so bad, it's good movie I have seen in a while, it's right up there with Troll 2, Snakes on a Plane, and The Room. This movie does everything so bad, but did it so right. From the bad acting to the badly done CGI birds and back again to the badly though out script. This movie has plenty of laughs for any bad movie lover or anyone looking for a good laugh and that's who I would recommend it to.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 25 House (1986)

Day 25 is the horror comedy House.

My review:

Overall I thought the film was rather good with some flaws. While this film is a comedy but you might not realize that until after the first twenty or thirty minutes of the film, because in my opinion that's when the actually funny jokes kick in. The special effects and creatures are great in this film, some of it reminds me of effects they used in Evil Dead series. This movie is almost just worth it to see the special effects. Some of the jokes are funny but there are some that are not and some scenes are played out to dramatically that give the movie kind of an unbalance feeling because it's trying to be serious in some scenes but funny in others. This film in, my opinion, could give you the feeling that some of this could just be happening in the main character's head, but what some of the things they show during the film. Also there two TV stars you might recognize in this film and they are George Wendt, Norm from Cheers, and Richard Moll, Bull the bald bailiff from Night Court. I would recommend this film to any comedy horror fan and any special effect junkie.

31 Days of Horror: Day 24 Circus of Horrors (1960)

Day 24 movie was Circus of Horrors.

My review:

Overall I thought this movie was very good. The characters and idea of the story. while a little far fetched, were all very good. There were a few cheesy things in this film namely obvious guy in a gorilla and bear suits and fake bear used in some scenes. The make up/masks that were used for the disfiguring of peoples faces was done fairly good considering for when the film was made. The only other thing I could complain about some of the actors accents made some of the words they were saying sound mumbled. I found this movie very enjoyable would recommend this to anyone how likes a good horror themed thriller and anyone one how likes old style movies.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 23 Frogs (1972)

Day 23 movie is the eco-horror b-movie Frogs.

My review:

This movie pretty much overall is an OK b-movie to watch. This is a eco-horror film that is pretty much a nature revenge film that uses mainly reptiles and some other animals you might find in a swamp as it's revenge implement to get rid of the humans and of course frogs are the center piece in this revenge movie. The story isn't bad for more or less the first half of movie after that it gets kind of dull and stupid. The main reason to watch this film is the hilarious death scenes which are so stupid and funny that I would recommend the film to watch based solely on that  but there is some good bad dialog in this film as well. Just a heads up for the animal lovers out there while there is no actual, as far as I can tell, killing of animals in this movie, but it does feature what I consider to be real dead bird and reptile bodies, mainly frogs and snakes, on film. But if that does not bother you there are some awesome shots of many different types of reptiles and some spiders in this movie. I would recommend this to any b-movie lover or any fan nature revenge films. 

31 Days of Horror: Day 22 Zombieland (2009)

Day 22 movie was the horror comedy Zombieland.

My review:

Overall I thought this movie was pretty good. I was expecting a little more from it from what people told me about how the good movie was, but I still enjoyed the movie. The story was overall pretty interesting and the zombies and special effects were done very well as well. The actors all played their parts very good. The only complaints I would have are there is to much obvious product placement in this movie and the reminding of things from the list that happen on screen can get a little old. Other than that I found this to be an enjoyable film and I would recommend this to any zombie, modern horror, and/or comedy horror fan that has not heard of the movie.

Monday, October 22, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 21 Tales of Terror (1962)

Day 21 was Tales of Terror starring the wonderful horror actor Vincent Price.

My Review:

I overall enjoyed this film very much. This film is anthology film about three of Edgar Allan Poe stories: Morella, The Black Cat, and The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Morella in my opinion is the weakest of the three stories because it kind of does not make sense when you first watch it and has some bad pacing. While the other two stories are very good and entertaining. Vincent Price acting is wonderful to watch as usual and Peter Lorre acting in The Black Cat story was very good too. All the other actors did a good job on their parts as well. The sets were very nice in this film and they helped set the mood for each story very nicely.  I would recommend this to any classic horror, Poe, and Price and/or Lorre fans.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 20 DIEner…get it? (2009)

Day 20 movie is the horror comedy, an odd combination of serial killer/zombie movie, called DIEner...get it?.

My Review:

Overall what I have to say about this movie is that it was below average horror comedy flick, even for the amateur film making level that it is. I think I;ll start will the nice things before I start writing about the bad. The acting for the most was good for what the actors had to deal with from the script, make up effects were pretty good when noticeable, and the film appears to be filmed with a decent camera. Now for the bad, this movie can not decide whether it wants to take itself serious or not, which is the major downfall of the movie. Usually the pace of film goes like this serious black comedy humor and the next scene goes to screwball comedy and than goes back to serious black comedy humor and then it goes to screwball again and so forth. If it focused more on one then the other than I might of found the film more enjoyable to watch. The editing is really bad a some points like the editor or director never learned how to properly do scene transfers. Trust me you will notice these edits when the happen it will jarringly cut form one scene to a black screen, which you are never supposed to show especially in modern film making, then to the next scene. Also this film loves to do artsy film shots, sometimes as laziness from not having to shot certain scenes of action and also as not having do to a retake a shot because the scene it out of focus and blurry for no real reason other than to make it look artsy. The zombie killing and gore effects except for one are really bad even for an amateur movie, I've seen movies with lower budgets and quality put more effort in their kill and gore shots then this movie did. There mostly just cheap cutaways or filming from a angle that does not show whats happening but implies a gory death is happening. Also the dream or flashback, its unclear, where the killer images himself at age 5 playing hide and go seek were he can not find his mother which is symbolism for he has abandonment issues. Why does there have to be two of these scenes and they derail the whole movie. Also they are never really are explained or relate to story at all. This movie also drags out scenes which usually display something foreshadowing. The characters also act logical in some scenes and than usually the next scene they do not and then serial killer usually points out how dumb they were. Also a small note this movie tries to get the film of Goblin style soundtrack, but does not pull it off well. This film would of been better as an 45 minute short instead of dragging the film out to 75 minutes. I only could recommend this to amateur film lovers, zombie fans desperate for something different, or comedy horror fans that have seen everything except this movie.

Friday, October 19, 2012

I Watched A Film: The Lady Vanishes (1938)

I watched a film called The Lady Vanishes by classic filmmaker Alfred Hitchcock.

I originally watch this film thinking it could be a good film for my 31 Days of Horror, mainly because I'm really only familiar with Hitchcock as an horror thriller director. But after I watched the film I found it to be more of a mystery thriller than anything close to a horror film. So anyway after I watched I kind of figured this movie could make for a good review, because it seemed interesting enough after watching it to write an review about it.

My Review:

Overall I thought this movie was fairly good. It could be a hard watch, especially the being portion, for people how do not enjoy old timey dialogue. The film doesn't really get interesting until the characters get on the train, because before that it's pretty much a situational comedy. The story and plot are very nice and generally there is enough happening in the story to keep you interested. The sets fit the movie and time period well. The only thing I can really complain about is that the audio is not properly leveled in certain parts and it sounds like some of the actors mumble their lines now and than. I would only really recommend this to an Hitchcock or old movie fan.

31 Days of Horror: Day 19 Die, Monster, Die! (1965)

Day 19 film is Die, Monster, Die! starring yours and my favorite guy Boris Karloff.

My Review:

Overall I would say I enjoyed watching this film. It had a good story, sets, cast of characters, and special effects. The special effects, while dated compared to current films were still very effective for the film. Pretty much everyone's acting big or small was done very nicely. The female lead can be a little annoying mainly because of hoe naive she to her whats happening around her. I would recommend pretty much to any b-movie horror fan or H.P. Lovecraft fan to watch.

31 Days of Horror: Day 18 The Invisible Man (1933)

Day 18 was the fantastic classic horror film The Invisible Man.

My Review:

My overall impression of this film is that I very much enjoyed this film. The story, actors, sets, and especially the special effects in this film were all done excellently. This film does a good balance of comedic elements and suspenseful thriller moments. If every want to see a film use special effects that some modern CGI films have trouble pulling off and have your head scratching of how they were able to do this in the 30's this is the film for you. I would recommend this film to anyone to watch, especially classic movie fans. I think this maybe one of my new favorite films. This film also makes me want to see what other films Claude Rains has starred in.

31 Days of Horror: Day 17 It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958)

Day 17 was the Sci Fi movie It! The Terror from Beyond Space.

My Review:

My overall impression of this film was that it was fairly good. The plot of movie was done very well. Pretty much all the characters acted with intelligence and for the most part played their role in a believable manner and the women were given real roles, compared to how most women were portrayed during this time period. The sets suited the movie well for Sci Fi creature flick. There are one or two camera shots that have me scratching my head of how they did them. The only one down point for this film is the alien looks kind of stupid, but hey did not every alien form the 50's and 60's. I would recommend this to any b-movie fan or any Sci Fi fan to watch.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 16 Contamination .7 (Creepers/The Crawlers/Troll 3) (1993)

Day 16 movie was Contamination .7 aka Creepers aka The Crawlers aka Troll 3. 

My review:

My overall impression of this movie was that this is got to be one of the the stupidest b-movies I've have seen in awhile. This movie kind of fits the it's so bad, it's good category, there are are some laugh worthy moments in this film that are worth watching it for. I would say that if you are looking for a movie to riff, to make jokes about what's happen in the movie while watching, this movie provides plenty of material. This movie does suffer from some lazy editing and you know your movie is bad when the dog is one of the better actors in the movie. Some of the actors mumble their lines and some actors are badly dubbed over, mainly the sheriff, and scenes were they need obvious dubbing because of noise in the background they do not use it. I really would not recommend this movie on its gore because most of it is not that good and there is not really that much of it. The only people I would recommend this movie to is b-movie fans, cult movie fans, hardcore Troll fans, and people that likes tentacles. Oh yes there's tentacle like creatures, here's a hint its the tree roots, in this film. By the way the only connects this film has to Troll 2 is that: both movies deal with plants, Troll 3's soundtrack features some music that would fit into Troll 2's, Joe D'Amato worked on both films, and the both were produced by the same company Filmirage.


Got this song song stuck in my head, so now do you.

31 Days of Horror: Day 15 Werewolf of London (1935)

Day 15 film was Werewolf of London.

My review:

What I overall thought of this film was that it was a very good film. I did like the story and acting in this film very much. The sets were good in this film and served the purpose of setting the scene well. As for the werewolf make-up is not the greatest but serves the purpose of what a werewolf may look like. The main werewolf looks more like an grown up version of Eddie Munster in my opinion, while the other one looks kind of silly. There are also a couple of plot holes in the film. When comparing this to the 1941's Wolfman, I would have to say I enjoyed the 1941 film more mainly because I enjoyed the style of werewolf and the werewolf make-up they used in that film. also I enjoyed the story in that film more. It does not main I think this film is bad, it's good in its own ways, I just prefer the 1941 film more. I would recommend this to any werewolf or classic horror fan.

31 Days of Horror: Day 14 The Mummy (1932)

Day 14 film was The Mummy staring but who else Boris Karloff.

My review:

My overall impression of this film is that it is a great classic horror film and needs to be watched. Pretty much everything was top-notch in this film. From the actors to sets and everything in between. This movie was pretty much made for Karloff, his acting in this film is excellent. I think this maybe my favorite film so far, from what i have seen, from the classic era of horror films. I would recommend this film pretty much to anyone to watch. This is a must watch for any classic horror, Karloff, and classic movie fan.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 13 Dracula (1931)

Day 13 was the 1931 Dracula staring Bela Lugosi.

My review:

Overall what I thought of the movie was that it was a good film to watch. The sets were very nice in this movie, fit the time period very well. The story was nicely done, although I will admit I like the silent film Nosferatu version of the story a bit more than this version. The characters were all nicely portrayed. I especially enjoyed Dwight Frye as Renfield I guess it maybe because usually in film I like the odd outcasts more than any other character.  Bela Lugosi as Dracula was very good, you can see why everyone who does an impression or acts like Dracula uses his voice that sounds like his. They only things I would have to complain about are that I wish the making of Renfield Dracula's servant scene had a longer scene to make the transformation of Renfield more understandable, that there was a score for some parts of the film other silence, and there was a proper ending other than Harker and Mina walking up some stairs out the abbey. I would recommend this film to any classic horror, Dracula/non-Twilight vampire,   and Bela Lugosi fans.

Friday, October 12, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 12 Night of the Living Dead (1968)

Day 12 was the grandfather to the zombie movie/genre and b-movie cult classic Night of the Living Dead.

My review:

My overall impression of this film is that it is a top-notch b-movie horror flick. The story is very well told and most of the acting is well played. Some of the actors are not the greatest, but it adds to the charm of the film. Atmosphere is great in this film and the sets serve their purpose. Will there is not much horror in this film, I would say the zombie actors are good and the special effects used, while a little dated, look good for the time they were made in. This is one of my favorite b-movies. I would recommend really this to anyone to watch, especially b-movie and zombie fans.

By the way, this movie is in the public domain so sit back and watch it if you want or download it at the Internet Archive.

31 Days of Horror: Day 11 The Little Shop of Horrors (1960)

Day 11 film was the 1960's black and white horror comedy b-movie cult classic The Little Shop of Horrors. (I think that's the most adjectives I ever used to describe something.)

My review:

This movie is a very good b-movie. The story and the cast of characters are all portrayed very well. The story is a nice comedy to watch and get a couple of laughs out of it. I enjoyed this movie very much. I would recommend this to anyone that would enjoy a nice cheesy comedy about a monster plant.

By the way, this movie is in the public domain so sit back and watch it if you want or download it at the Internet Archive.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Music I like: He Is Legend

31 Days of Horror: Day 10 Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Day 10 was the zombie movie classic George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead.

My review:

Overall what I thought of movie was that it was an excellent film. It's pretty much what every modern zombie tries to be. The characters, the story, and the scenes all played out very nicely. While a little dated, compared to modern films, for the most part the special/gore effects look very nice and suit the film very nice. The only real criticisms I could make are the gray make up on the zombies looks just plain silly, but do not take you out of the movie or ruin the movies experience. They only other thing I would say was unneeded in the movie was the slapstick pie fight with the bikers which kind of didn't fit in with the film, but still was enjoyable in its own way. I would recommend this film pretty much anyone who is interested in horror films or any zombie lover.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 9 We’re Going to Eat You (1980)

Day 9 film was a Hong Kong horror-comedy called We're Going to Eat You (Di yu wu men).


My Review:

My overall impression of this movie is that it was awesome and has to be seen to be believed. This movie is one of my new favorite films. This movie combines three movie genres you do not often see combined: martial arts action, horror (mainly the gore part), and comedy. This movie combines them all together very well. The martial arts in this film is pretty top notch, while I'm not a marital arts movie expert but this is some of the best and most interesting I've seen in a while. The gore is very nice in this movie, while it's not the most graphic or realistic gore out there it's very nice for this horror-comedy on a smallish budget. The comedy along with the acting is very good. All of the jokes are very assuming, while I didn't kind myself laughing out loud but still the jokes were still very enjoying. There also maybe a couple of jokes that would be a little funnier if I was more familiar with Chinese culture. I would highly recommend this to any horror-comedy, marital arts, gore, and foreign/Asian horror fans to watch. The only people who I would not recommend this to is people who do not like to read subtitles or people who do not like over the top gore in their horror. If you find a copy on DVD I suggest buying it and watch it.

Note: Both of these trailer are in Chinese with no subtitles

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 8 The Comedy of Terrors (1964)

Day film was The Comedy of Terrors, starring Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karloff.

 comedy of terrors

My review:

This film was very enjoyable. It has a great story and cast of characters. The film was very enjoyable from start to finish. All the actors play their roles very well, including the cat. Vincent Price, Peter Lorre, and Boris Karloff are all a great cast of characters in this film. Also the sets and scenes are all made and look very well. The only thing I would say is go watch this film if your in the mode for a horror themed black comedy with no gore. I would recommend this pretty much anyone, except people who only like to watch horror for gore and/or scares.

Monday, October 8, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 7 Black Sabbath (1963)

Day 7 movie was Black Sabbath featuring Boris Karloff.

black sabbath

My Review:

Overall I felt this film was an OK film to watch. This film is an anthology horror film with three stories in it. The first story was not very good, it was not really scary or interesting. The only thing really worth watching this story is to see the ridiculous looking mask on the corpse of the dead old woman. The sets for this story also have interesting elements added to them. The second story is better than the first  but not great. The story is interesting and the idea behind it is good too. The third story is pretty good, can get a little cheesy at times but is still good. The story is interesting and most of the acting is good. The character of Vladimir tends to deliver most of his lines very cheesely, but it might be more of the scripts fault then his. The sets in this story are the best in the film. There are some very noticeable bad edits in the film that are hard to miss. Boris Karloff's host segments are good, can be a little stupid or cheesy but still interesting to watch. I would recommend this to an old horror movie fan or someone who enjoys anthology movies.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 6 The Thing (1982)

Day 6 movie is John Carpenter's The Thing.

the thing

My Review:

Basically I have one thing say: "Why are you reading this review, go watch this excellent film right now! Even if you already watched it go watch it again." This movie is awesome with the story, the characters, especially the special effects are all done very well. This film is up there with some of my favorite horror films of all time. The tone in this film is what some modern horror films wished they had. This is one of the prime examples of how non-CGI effects work so much better in film than CGI just buy its self. I could not recommend this movie enough to be watched, the only people I might not recommend this to is small children and wussies it will most likely give them nightmares.

Demonstration Reel on Vimeo

Demonstration Reel from Sculpture on Vimeo.
This is pretty trippy.

Friday, October 5, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 5 Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992)

Day 5 movie is Waxwork II: Lost in Time, the sequel to Waxwork.

waxwork 2

My Review:

Basically my overall impression of this film is that it was pretty much an good film. There were somethings good about it and somethings bad. First the good, for the most part the gore and special effects were pretty good, with some exceptions here and there, and all the sets looked pretty good as well. Most of the comedy was a little cheesy but enjoyable. Plus Bruce Campbell and David Carradine both make appearances in the film. Most of the scenes were pretty good, but there are some stupid/bad ones in there too. Now for the bad, the overall plot behind the film is not very good and its not really a time travel movie with a horror twist; its really a let's call it time travel, but really using it as an excuse to parody scenes and story elements from other films and books. There are a lot of references in this film, its almost to the level of the later Scary Movie films. There are also some parts in the film were the audio should of been fixed, it either sounds like the mic is far away from the actor or they should of done a second take because the actor mumble their lines. The film basically has not much to do with the first film other than reanimation of life and some minor story elements introduced in the first film. And there's a bad rap music that plays during the credits. Overall the only people I would recommend this film to are hardcore b movie fan, people who like parody movies, people that like to see old style gore and special effects (you might want to fast forward to see them), or people that really really really want to see a sequel to Waxworks otherwise the movie is entirely skip-able.

31 Days of Horror: Day 4 Troll 2 (1990)

Day 4 movie is the cult classic Troll 2 (1990)

troll 2 poster

My review:

Troll 2 is one of my favorite it's so bad, it's good movies. The movie pretty much does everything wrong that's not supposed be done in a movie, but it does it so good. This movie will having you laughing at all the awesome bad messed up dialogue and acting and the cheesy effects are a good bonus too. Really works can't do this movie justice it has to be seen to understand how awesome it is, so go rent or buy it when you get a chance. I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes a good laugh, b-z movie fans, cult movie fans, and especially anyone who loves bad movies.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Power Rangers Dubstep

31 Days of Horror: Day 3 Waxwork (1988)

Day 3 movie is the 1988 comedy/horror cult classic Waxwork.

waxwork poster

My review:

This movie overall is a very good film. It has a very interesting and odd premise of having a waxworks, a wax figure museum, as being used as an entryway to another dimension that is used to kill people to cause but of course some evil old guys scheme of bring the end of the world, it makes senses when you watch the film. The idea for the film is very good, the acting is pretty good, and sets and visual effects were very good for most of the film. The only real one thing I could complain about is that some editing is a little choppy especially with some scene transitions and I kind of wish that they did cutaway during some of the gorier kills. I would say this film is definitely worth seeing, especially if you like seeing a horror film with a good splash of humor. The only people that might not like this are people who don't like comedy in their horror film and there might not be enough gore to satisfy an extreme gore junkie.

31 Days of Horror: Day 2 The Ghoul (1933)

Day 2 movie is The Ghoul (1933) starring horror legend Boris Karloff

the ghoul 

My review:

With this movie I kind of have mix feelings about it. While I did enjoy the film there were a few things that made film kind of stupid. Which was caused by some of cheesy dated dialogue between characters and the comic relief character Kaney. . The film overall had a good pacing and good feel to it. The film sets, atmosphere of the film, and camera work were all very good and Karloff acting is top notch which gave film a very good feel. While this film is good on the surface the thing that can get kind stupid during the film is that while during earlier parts Kaney can be kind of funny, but really by the end of the film you kind of wished Karloff as the Ghoul would of killed her. I think the movie is self aware that she is annoying character and if your like me you start riffing to yourself during her parts to make yourself stop rolling your eyes. But overall this was an OK film to watch, I would really only recommend it to a classic horror movie fan, big Boris Karloff fans, or someone interested in classic films from the 30s.

There's also a public domain version of this film available on the Internet Archive for those interested in seeing the film but don't want to spend money to see it. Click Here if interested

31 Days of Horror: Day 1 The Wolf Man (1941)

Throughout the month of October I'm going to try to watch one horror movie every day for the next 31 days. This is the first time I've done something like this, so lets see how long I can keep this up. I kind of wanted to do something in the spirit of Halloween this year so I figured why not give this a try. I was also inspired by Cinemassacre's Monster Madness and Atop the Fourth Wall's The Longbox of the Damned to try this out. I'll be posting here and on my Twitter what movies I'll watch each day and a I'll be writing a mini review of sorts on this Tumblr of what I think of each movie I watch.

So with that out of the now on with what I think about the first movie I watched.

1941's The Wolf Man


My review:
Overall I thought the movie was fairly good. The first half of the movie kind of drags for a little while and the film doesn't get really interesting until in later half of the movie. The acting was pretty good. It can get a little cheesy and cliche at times, mainly during the being, but I would chalk that up to more to during time period the film was made. The special effects pretty good especially considering for the time period the film was made. Also the movie does have some flaws, but they don't overall affect the movie that much. I would recommend this movie for anyone that likes or is interested classic horror films, not really something for the modern horror fan.