Monday, October 22, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 21 Tales of Terror (1962)

Day 21 was Tales of Terror starring the wonderful horror actor Vincent Price.

My Review:

I overall enjoyed this film very much. This film is anthology film about three of Edgar Allan Poe stories: Morella, The Black Cat, and The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar. Morella in my opinion is the weakest of the three stories because it kind of does not make sense when you first watch it and has some bad pacing. While the other two stories are very good and entertaining. Vincent Price acting is wonderful to watch as usual and Peter Lorre acting in The Black Cat story was very good too. All the other actors did a good job on their parts as well. The sets were very nice in this film and they helped set the mood for each story very nicely.  I would recommend this to any classic horror, Poe, and Price and/or Lorre fans.

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