Thursday, October 11, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 10 Dawn of the Dead (1978)

Day 10 was the zombie movie classic George A. Romero's Dawn of the Dead.

My review:

Overall what I thought of movie was that it was an excellent film. It's pretty much what every modern zombie tries to be. The characters, the story, and the scenes all played out very nicely. While a little dated, compared to modern films, for the most part the special/gore effects look very nice and suit the film very nice. The only real criticisms I could make are the gray make up on the zombies looks just plain silly, but do not take you out of the movie or ruin the movies experience. They only other thing I would say was unneeded in the movie was the slapstick pie fight with the bikers which kind of didn't fit in with the film, but still was enjoyable in its own way. I would recommend this film pretty much anyone who is interested in horror films or any zombie lover.

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