Friday, October 19, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 17 It! The Terror from Beyond Space (1958)

Day 17 was the Sci Fi movie It! The Terror from Beyond Space.

My Review:

My overall impression of this film was that it was fairly good. The plot of movie was done very well. Pretty much all the characters acted with intelligence and for the most part played their role in a believable manner and the women were given real roles, compared to how most women were portrayed during this time period. The sets suited the movie well for Sci Fi creature flick. There are one or two camera shots that have me scratching my head of how they did them. The only one down point for this film is the alien looks kind of stupid, but hey did not every alien form the 50's and 60's. I would recommend this to any b-movie fan or any Sci Fi fan to watch.

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