Tuesday, October 16, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 16 Contamination .7 (Creepers/The Crawlers/Troll 3) (1993)

Day 16 movie was Contamination .7 aka Creepers aka The Crawlers aka Troll 3. 

My review:

My overall impression of this movie was that this is got to be one of the the stupidest b-movies I've have seen in awhile. This movie kind of fits the it's so bad, it's good category, there are are some laugh worthy moments in this film that are worth watching it for. I would say that if you are looking for a movie to riff, to make jokes about what's happen in the movie while watching, this movie provides plenty of material. This movie does suffer from some lazy editing and you know your movie is bad when the dog is one of the better actors in the movie. Some of the actors mumble their lines and some actors are badly dubbed over, mainly the sheriff, and scenes were they need obvious dubbing because of noise in the background they do not use it. I really would not recommend this movie on its gore because most of it is not that good and there is not really that much of it. The only people I would recommend this movie to is b-movie fans, cult movie fans, hardcore Troll fans, and people that likes tentacles. Oh yes there's tentacle like creatures, here's a hint its the tree roots, in this film. By the way the only connects this film has to Troll 2 is that: both movies deal with plants, Troll 3's soundtrack features some music that would fit into Troll 2's, Joe D'Amato worked on both films, and the both were produced by the same company Filmirage.

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