Thursday, October 4, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 3 Waxwork (1988)

Day 3 movie is the 1988 comedy/horror cult classic Waxwork.

waxwork poster

My review:

This movie overall is a very good film. It has a very interesting and odd premise of having a waxworks, a wax figure museum, as being used as an entryway to another dimension that is used to kill people to cause but of course some evil old guys scheme of bring the end of the world, it makes senses when you watch the film. The idea for the film is very good, the acting is pretty good, and sets and visual effects were very good for most of the film. The only real one thing I could complain about is that some editing is a little choppy especially with some scene transitions and I kind of wish that they did cutaway during some of the gorier kills. I would say this film is definitely worth seeing, especially if you like seeing a horror film with a good splash of humor. The only people that might not like this are people who don't like comedy in their horror film and there might not be enough gore to satisfy an extreme gore junkie.

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