Sunday, October 28, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 28 Evil Dead II (1987)

Day 28 film is Evil Dead II starring Bruce Campbell. 

My review:

I overall impression of this film was that I really enjoyed this one. This movie is more of a remake than an sequel which does not hurt it. It basically retells what happens in the first film but with new characters added in and told in a different way with a different ending. This film has more of a comedic tune to it than the first film which was played more off as an straight horror film. The comedy in this film is very funny and plays well in the film. The special effects are awesome in this film and the gore is pretty good in this film too. Everyone in this film, especially Campbell, all play their roles very well and seem well suited for the film. I can now see why when people refer to the Evil Dead why this film is usually the one they draw examples from. I would recommend this to any horror comedy fan or anyone looking for a horror film that is enjoyable to watch.

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