Wednesday, October 10, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 9 We’re Going to Eat You (1980)

Day 9 film was a Hong Kong horror-comedy called We're Going to Eat You (Di yu wu men).


My Review:

My overall impression of this movie is that it was awesome and has to be seen to be believed. This movie is one of my new favorite films. This movie combines three movie genres you do not often see combined: martial arts action, horror (mainly the gore part), and comedy. This movie combines them all together very well. The martial arts in this film is pretty top notch, while I'm not a marital arts movie expert but this is some of the best and most interesting I've seen in a while. The gore is very nice in this movie, while it's not the most graphic or realistic gore out there it's very nice for this horror-comedy on a smallish budget. The comedy along with the acting is very good. All of the jokes are very assuming, while I didn't kind myself laughing out loud but still the jokes were still very enjoying. There also maybe a couple of jokes that would be a little funnier if I was more familiar with Chinese culture. I would highly recommend this to any horror-comedy, marital arts, gore, and foreign/Asian horror fans to watch. The only people who I would not recommend this to is people who do not like to read subtitles or people who do not like over the top gore in their horror. If you find a copy on DVD I suggest buying it and watch it.

Note: Both of these trailer are in Chinese with no subtitles

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