Saturday, October 20, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 20 DIEner…get it? (2009)

Day 20 movie is the horror comedy, an odd combination of serial killer/zombie movie, called DIEner...get it?.

My Review:

Overall what I have to say about this movie is that it was below average horror comedy flick, even for the amateur film making level that it is. I think I;ll start will the nice things before I start writing about the bad. The acting for the most was good for what the actors had to deal with from the script, make up effects were pretty good when noticeable, and the film appears to be filmed with a decent camera. Now for the bad, this movie can not decide whether it wants to take itself serious or not, which is the major downfall of the movie. Usually the pace of film goes like this serious black comedy humor and the next scene goes to screwball comedy and than goes back to serious black comedy humor and then it goes to screwball again and so forth. If it focused more on one then the other than I might of found the film more enjoyable to watch. The editing is really bad a some points like the editor or director never learned how to properly do scene transfers. Trust me you will notice these edits when the happen it will jarringly cut form one scene to a black screen, which you are never supposed to show especially in modern film making, then to the next scene. Also this film loves to do artsy film shots, sometimes as laziness from not having to shot certain scenes of action and also as not having do to a retake a shot because the scene it out of focus and blurry for no real reason other than to make it look artsy. The zombie killing and gore effects except for one are really bad even for an amateur movie, I've seen movies with lower budgets and quality put more effort in their kill and gore shots then this movie did. There mostly just cheap cutaways or filming from a angle that does not show whats happening but implies a gory death is happening. Also the dream or flashback, its unclear, where the killer images himself at age 5 playing hide and go seek were he can not find his mother which is symbolism for he has abandonment issues. Why does there have to be two of these scenes and they derail the whole movie. Also they are never really are explained or relate to story at all. This movie also drags out scenes which usually display something foreshadowing. The characters also act logical in some scenes and than usually the next scene they do not and then serial killer usually points out how dumb they were. Also a small note this movie tries to get the film of Goblin style soundtrack, but does not pull it off well. This film would of been better as an 45 minute short instead of dragging the film out to 75 minutes. I only could recommend this to amateur film lovers, zombie fans desperate for something different, or comedy horror fans that have seen everything except this movie.

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