Friday, October 5, 2012

31 Days of Horror: Day 5 Waxwork II: Lost in Time (1992)

Day 5 movie is Waxwork II: Lost in Time, the sequel to Waxwork.

waxwork 2

My Review:

Basically my overall impression of this film is that it was pretty much an good film. There were somethings good about it and somethings bad. First the good, for the most part the gore and special effects were pretty good, with some exceptions here and there, and all the sets looked pretty good as well. Most of the comedy was a little cheesy but enjoyable. Plus Bruce Campbell and David Carradine both make appearances in the film. Most of the scenes were pretty good, but there are some stupid/bad ones in there too. Now for the bad, the overall plot behind the film is not very good and its not really a time travel movie with a horror twist; its really a let's call it time travel, but really using it as an excuse to parody scenes and story elements from other films and books. There are a lot of references in this film, its almost to the level of the later Scary Movie films. There are also some parts in the film were the audio should of been fixed, it either sounds like the mic is far away from the actor or they should of done a second take because the actor mumble their lines. The film basically has not much to do with the first film other than reanimation of life and some minor story elements introduced in the first film. And there's a bad rap music that plays during the credits. Overall the only people I would recommend this film to are hardcore b movie fan, people who like parody movies, people that like to see old style gore and special effects (you might want to fast forward to see them), or people that really really really want to see a sequel to Waxworks otherwise the movie is entirely skip-able.

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