Thursday, October 31, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 31 The Devil Within Her/I Don't Want to Be Born (1975)

Happy Halloween!

Day 31 was the British horror movie I Don't Want to Be Born. I watched it under the US release title of The Devil Within Her.

My review:

The Devil Within Her was a pretty OK, that has some flaws by modern movie standards. The plot of this movie is not bad but poorly executed. The acting in this movie OK for this movie no one does a real bad job or a really great job just OK. While I do like to give spoiler free-ish reviews of movies I review I will say this that this movie is about a family dealing with a demon baby and how this baby got cursed is the main flaw of this movie being taken seriously. The cutaways that deal with the baby are the funniest thing in this movie. The effects in this movie are OK, your standard 70's movie effects. The ending of this movie is kind of unsatisfying how it ends. FYI for the last ten minutes of this film you may want to keep some aspirin near by trust me you'll need it. This movies also has some of the stupidest camera work/effects I seen in a while. I would recommend this movie who is looking for a so it's bad it's good movie.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 30 Sick Nurses (2007)

Day 30 was the Thai horror Sick Nurses.


My Review:

Sick Nurses is one of more interesting movies I've seen in a while, but not really for any good reasons. This movie you might say might fall in the so bad it's good category but that might be stretching it a bit. The way the plot unfolds and how some scenes play out makes me wonder if this movie is supposed to be a horror comedy, but something tells me it's not. There are a lot of scenes that will make you laugh more then be grossed out by gore or scream in horror. Basically every character in this movie is jerk and deserves what the get in the end, The ghost/demon in this movie is pretty cheesy once you get a close look at her. The effects in this movie range from pretty good to umm your really went with that effect. When there's blood involved it is either crappy CG and/or over top large amounts of blood. This movie has an interesting twist to it that I kind of was not exciting. I would recommend this movie to anyone who might be looking for an interesting horror movie that might make them laugh and doesn't mind reading subtitles.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 29 Session 9 (2001)

Day 29 was the psychological horror movie Session 9. Featuring David Caruso and Paul Guilfoyle of CSI fame. 

My Review:

Session 9 was an OK movie to watch, it was not bad but not great either. The plot of this movie is interesting to watch it keeps you guessing of why the men in this movie are doing the things they are doing and does not really make sense until the end of whats going on in this movie, which not really a bad thing. The acting in this movie is OK, no real stand out performances, but all the the actors served their purpose of making their character somewhat interesting and help move the plot along were needed. The setting of the asylum really adds a nice touch to the movie by making everything seem mysterious. I would not say this is a scary movie but it is a good watch if you have nothing else to do for your afternoon. I would recommend this movie to anyone who's a fan of psychological horror or to anyone likes non-scary horror movies.

Monday, October 28, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 28 Horror Express (1972)

Day 28 was the horror movie Horror Express starring Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

The Horror Express I found to be a enjoyable movie to watch. The plot and story are very interesting and are told very well. All the acting is done very good for the most part. The creature in this movie is a breath of fresh air compared to most other movie creatures. This movie  is a entertaining horror movie with a nice twist. One of the issues in this movie has that during the first half of the movie when the creature is in it's first form the movie suffers from some bad edits and cutaways. I found this movie to very entertaining and possible underrated. I would recommend this movie to any horror fan that likes horror movies with a good story and an interesting twist to it's story.

You can watch and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 27 Madhouse (1974)

Day 27 was the horror/thriller starring Vincent Price and Peter Cushing.

My Review:

MadHouse was an overall OK movie to watch, it just has some flaws that are holding it back from being good. The plot was overall pretty good it made all the characters seem interesting and the presented in an interesting way. All the actors did a good job in their roles and the story interesting. The effects in the movie OK for a 70's budget horror movie. The only real issue I had was that the pacing of the movie was kind of bad in certain parts and some of the characters that enter the film after the second killing in movie are laughable bad of how they are portrayed, I do not know if this was done on purpose though. The movie is full of clips of Vincent Price's past movies, for a good reason, but it just seems kind of lazy that they didn't shoot new footage instead of showing the past movie clips because none of the clips show Vincent in the proper makeup that he wears to define his character in the movie. This movie also has a little issue liking to use artistic camerawork now and then. I would only really recommend this movie to a Vincent Price and/or Peter Cushing fan or someone who likes B 70's horror movies. 

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 26 ParaNorman (2012)

Day 26 was the 3D stop-motion animated comedy horror family film ParaNorman.

My Review:

ParaNorman was a real joy to watch. This movie has a very good story that is very interesting to watch unfold. All the characters are entertaining and add their own part to the story. The effects and animation in this movie are done very well. I would almost call this movie the 21st century's Nightmare Before Christmas. This is one of the few movies I've seen in a while that actually made me laugh. This movie has jokes and situations that happen in it that I'm surprised they added to a kids movie, which makes the movie all the more better for it. I would recommend this movie really to anyone to watch, if you like Pixar movies then you will like this movie.

Friday, October 25, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 25 The Stuff (1985)

Day 25 was B horror movie The Stuff.


My Review:

The Stuff is an OK B-movie horror held back some faults. The movies main plot is good but the story does not flow well between a lot of scenes, such as new characters being introduced then cast away a scene later. Another example would that some scenes seem to loosely connected together and are only connected together to move the plot along. The acting in this movie ranges from good to terrible. The same thing could be said for the special effects because some scene's effects look really good while others look like I have seen better in effects in a Z grade movie. Overall this is an OK movie, but it could have been better. I would only really recommend this movie b-movie fans or people interested in special effects.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 24 The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Day 24 was the dark horror comedy The Cabin in the Woods.

My Review:

Cabin in the Woods is one of the best original horror/comedy movies I have seen in a while. This movie basically takes everything cliche in a horror and turns it upside down and then turns it back right side up, while keeping everything in the movie original. There are a lot of references to other horror movies and books in this movies, see if you can figure them out. This movie tells an interesting story and it keeps your attention pretty much all the way through. The acting in this movie is pretty good, no actor really steals the show or is annoying enough to ruin the movie. The one thing it did lack was an extra punch of gore in some scenes. I would recommend this movie to any horror and/or dark comedy fan looking for something new to watch  Fingers crossed for an sequel or prequel to someday be released.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 23 The Toxic Avenger (1984)

Day 23 was the cult classic The Toxic Avenger.

My Review:

If there was a movie that defined what a cult classic is this movie would that definition. The Toxic Avenger is probably one of, if not the, best low budget action/horror movie I seen in a while. This is my first experience with a Troma movie and I think I choose the right movie to start with. Toxic Avenger is a well put together movie for what it is, it puts some big budget movies to shame of what they pull off in this movie. This movie is fun to watch especially if your fan of over the top gore and dark and/or absurd comedy. I like how this movie uses it's extreme style of violence to make you hate the criminals and thugs ever more than you already do and it makes it even more gratifying when Toxie, the Toxic Avenger, takes his vengeance out on these criminals and thugs. The acting and special effects are very good in this movie, from a low budget point of view. While this movie does have a lot of good qualities it does have some faults mainly with some bad editing choices and that why did they hide the Toxie's face for the first half of the movie, his face is one the poster for gosh sakes! I would recommend this movie to any one who is a fan cult, B, low budget, action, and horror movies.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 22 The Shining (1980)

Day 22 was the psychological horror classic, based on Stephen King's novel and directed by Stanley Kubrick, The Shining.


My Review:

I have heard good things about the Shinning nearly all my life and I can say I was not disappointed by this movie. This movie is pretty one of the movies I have seen in a while. The story in this movie very good with everything in this movie just drags you into to this movie and makes you forget about the world around you for two hour and forty minutes. All of the acting in this movie is top notch. The special effects are done very good, considering most modern major studio releases' effects do not look as good as the effects in this movie. All the sets used in this movie help bring you into this movies world. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking to watch a good movie even though it might give them nightmare.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 21 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Day 21 was the cult, B/Z movie, MST3K/Rifftrax classic Manos: The Hands of Fate. Manos is considered to one of the worst movies ever made.


My Review:

This my first ever watching the complete unriffeed version, by MST3K or Rifftrax, of Manos: The Hands of Fate and what I have heard that it is nearly an unwatchable movie to be watch unriffed I found be an tolerable movie to watch. While my experience with movie is that maybe different than most people is because I like to watch bad movie and I kind of already now what to expect from this movie because I've seen it riffed a few times before and that this movie is pretty laughable bad of how badly this movie was put together. This movie has to be one lazily and/or sloppily edit movie I have ever watched. This movie is full of obvious jump cuts, some which appear mid scene. I think I actually only really saw one proper fade cut in the whole movie. There are a few scenes that the characters lips are moving but with no audio to go with the scene. I think this movie was stretched pas the 60 minute mark using extended driving scenes and scenes of people standing around saying nothing to each other. The acting in this movie ranges from OK to barely can considered to be acting. The plot of this movie is a little confusing and you might need to think about it for a little while before it starts making sense. I will say one good thing about this movie it does have a good credit sequence. Also I would not consider this the worst movie of all time, because trust me I have seen worst, but it still deserves to be on the list of one of the worst movies ever made. I would only recommend this movie only to MST3K and Rifftrax fans who want to see the movie unriffed and to anyone who tolerance for bad movies. 

You can watch and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 20 Bride of Frankenstein (1935)

Day 20 was the sequel to horror classic Frankenstein and a classic in it's own right the Bride of Frankenstein.


My review:

Again this is will probably be another review where L'm not going to be writing any thing different to what anyone else has written about this movie, but any here's what I though of the Bride of Frankenstein. The  Bride of Frankenstein I found to be an enjoyable and entertaining movie. While the movie is very good I found it to be lacking the drama and seriousness as the first film had, where this film had a lot of lighthearted bits and comedic elements to it, which it made it hard to connect with some of the characters in the movie. The Minnie character can be a bit annoying at times. For the most part the acting was done pretty good. The one thing that might be a little jarring to some people is that majority of the characters roles are played by some one different, except for the Doctor and Monster are played by the same people, which may confuse a few people because they are noticeable changes. The make-up effects on both monsters is done very well and the sets while different looking  from the first movie still help bring you into the world of the movie. I would highly recommend this movie to anyone who has seen the first move and wants to see an continuation of the story. 

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 19 Frankenstein (1931)

Day 19 was the horror monster movie classic Frankenstein.


My Review:

I'm probably going to write the same things about this movie that have been written about it for over 82 years, but any here's my take on this classic movie. Frankenstein is truly timeless movie while it may not may have the production values as movies today it still holds up for what it is. I found this movie to be very entertaining and keeps your attention for the whole movie. The acting is very good especially Colin Clive as Dr. Frankenstein. The make-up on Frankenstein's monster, played by Boris Karloff, was done very well and Boris did an excellent job of playing the monster. All the sets that were used and made for this movie were done very well the really brought you into the world of this movie. I would really recommend this movie to anyone who watch because whether you like horror movies or not you have to watch this movie at least once in your life.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 18 The Man from Planet X (1951)

Day 18 was the scifi The Man from Planet X.


My Review:

The Man from Planet X was very good movie to have watched. The movie does start off a little slow but beings to pick up over time. The story is very good, although I don't know how scientifically possible it is. The acting is done very good for the most part. The sets are very good in this movie which bring help bring you into this movie's world. The effects on the alien while a little dull serve their purpose for the movie. I found this to be an enjoyable movie to watch. I would recommend this movie to any fan of scifi or anyone who thinks this would be a good movie to watch.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 17 Pharaoh’s Curse (1957)

Day 17 was the underrated horror Pharaoh's Curse.


My Review:

Pharaoh's Curse was an overall pretty good movie. This was pretty good to watch the story for the most part was down fairly well. The acting while not great was done good enough to keep you interested in the movie. Also the sets were down fairly well, not your typical b-movie style sets. It looks like they actually took time and effort to make this movie look like it takes place in Egypt. The special effect make up on the monster is done very good. The nice thing about this movie is that it does not fallow the typical mummy movie format, instead of a movie that has a mummy going around killing people it has a person affected by the Pharaoh's Curse carry out the killing which I think is a nice change to the normal mummy movie format. I would recommend this movie to any horror or mummy movie fan looking for a different type of movie to watch.

If you want to see a trailer for this movie you'll have to watch it on IMDB, could not find one on YouTube.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 16 The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)

Day 16 was the B-SciFi/MST3K classic movie The Amazing Transparent Man.


My Review:

Overall The Amazing Transparent Man is a pretty meh type of movie. The movie's plot does feel like it was shoehorned together. Also the movie feels like a poor man's Invisible Man. The story of an Invisible bank robber sounds good on paper but was poorly executed. The acting is OK for your standard B-movie fair. The only thing really interesting in this movie is seeing the early 60's special effects. I would recommend this movie to any MST3K fan who wants to see this movie unriffed, anyone who interested in seeing special effects, or any B-movie fan.

You can download and watch the public domain version of this movie at the Internet Archive.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 15 The Call of Cthulhu (2005)

Day 15 movie was the 2005 silent movie adaption of The Call of Cthulhu.


My review:

The Call of Cthulhu is an overall good movie. This movie tells the story of The Call of Cthulhu fairly in the silent film format it choose. The story through out the movie flowed fairly good. The acting was pretty good for this silent film all seemed to express the proper emotions and react the way they were supposed to  The sets helped bring you into the world of the film, expect some of the flashback and dream sequence sets could of used a little bit more polish to make them look a little bit better, but those sets still worked for the movie. The only real issue I had was that some of music for some of the scenes do not really set the mood right for that scene. I would recommend this movie to any silent movie fan or to any Cthulhu nut.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 14 Invisible Invaders (1959)

Day 14 is the 1959 SciFi b-movie Invisible Invaders.


My review:

Overall Invisible Invaders is fairly good b-movie. The story for the most part is pretty interesting, although is presented poorly in some areas of the movie. This movie has a bad issue of having a narrator explain majority of what's going on in the movie instead of having the actors or the scene it's self explain it. The other issue this movie has its it likes to reuse the some same footage for the Invader scenes. The acting is pretty much your standard b-movie fair, nothing too special or bad about it. The effects are good considering when the movie was made, except I think it was a stupid choice to have the invaders drag their feet on the ground instead of showing foot prints when their invisible. I would recommend this movie to any b-movie movie fan or anyone looking for a movie to riff.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 13 Godzilla: King of the Monsters! (1956)

Day 13 was the giant monster movie classic Godzilla: King of the Monsters!

My Review:

Godzilla: King of the Monsters! was a pretty good movie, with the only real issues being with added in American footage. For the most part the story is done fairly well with the only issues withe most of the American footage looking like it obviously was re-edited into the movie like it was always part of the movie and most of these scenes seem so stupid and laughable of how they add in characters from the original characters into the American footage by having stand ins that only look like the characters from behind and never showing the front of their faces and the cut away shots to show Raymond Burr's reactions to what's happening in the Japanese footage is also laughable stupid. The sets and effects are done very well including the monster scenes. The dubbing for the most part is done fairly well with only one or two done badly. This is a good movie that's really only held back by the added in American footage. I would recommend this movie really anyone who seems interested in watching it and to anyone likes to see bad localizations of foreign movies done for the American market.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 12 Stephen King's Children of the Corn (1984)

Day 12 was Stephen King's Children of the Corn.


My Review:

Overall Children of the Corn is a pretty good movie. The story is very good, nothing to really complain about. The acting for the most part is good, nothing special or bad about any of the actors performances. The sets all look their part and bring you into the world that the movie takes place. If your are a horror and/or King fan and have not watched this movie yet I highly recommend you go watch this movie.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 11 Attack of the Puppet People (1958)

Day 11 was the underrated 1958 horror/SciFi movie Attack of the Puppet People.

My Review:

Attack of the Puppet People I found to be a very enjoyable movie to watch. The story and characters are all very interesting and enjoyable to watch. The sets for each of the scenes are done well, especially the sets for when the people are shrunken down to the size of a doll. They only thing I would complain about this movie is that the movie poster for it is basically a lie scene shown on the poster appears nowhere in the movie and that the Attack Of... part of the title is unneeded because for the most part the "puppet" people do not really attack anyone or anything. I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good 50's movie to watch or to anyone looking for an actual good B-movie to watch.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 10 Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957)

Day 10 movie was the 1957 Roger Corman b-movie Attack of the Crab Monsters.

My review:

Attack of the Crab Monsters is overall an OK B-SciFi movie. This movie is your classic definition of what a 50's B-SciFi movie is. The plot of this movie seem like it was made up on the fly while they were filming it, well it is a Roger Corman movie. The acting is pretty OK with only a few actors not giving a good performance. The crab monsters are not bad but are pretty stupid. I would recommend this movie to any B-movie or Corman fan. Also to anyone who's looking for a good laugh of seeing who bad this movie is. This movie is good riff material for anyone looking to riff a movie while watching it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 9 Psycho (1998 remake)

Day 9 was the 1998 remake to the horror classic Psycho.


My review:

This movie is overall a good movie, not great but not total bad either. This movie is basically a shot for shot remake of the original with a couple differences. Let's just say if you watched the 1960 classic and then watch this remake your basically just watched them same movie twice. With what the remake adds that's new content it basically adds a little bit extra to the story and atmosphere, but must of it was unneeded, especially the quick cut away shots. The one major compliant is that why set the movie in 1998 but then make everything else in the movie look like like it's from the 1950's and 1960's, except for that one stupid and shameless piece of product placement. I guess this movie could of been better if they did not do an shot for shot remake but instead update the script for a modern time period and add something new to script while adding in some of the elements, such as some of the iconic camera work and remake some of memorable scenes, that made the the original so remember-able. I don't not like to call a movie bad or skippable because no matter what type of movie you make someone out their might like it for some reason. I would only recommend this to someone who already has scene the original or some someone who absolutely hates black and white movies. Because if you have not watched the original watch that one instead because that one is the obvious the far superior version. 

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 8 Rubber (2010)

Day 8 movie was the comedy horror Rubber. Rubber tells the story about a living serial killer tire with psychic powers.


My review:

Overall Rubber is a fairly entertaining film that might not be for everyone. This movie is one of those that you need to watch to understand. The best way I think I could describe it is that if the guys of Monty Python and the Coen Brothers teamed up to make a horror film I think this is what they would come up with. The story's humor in this film focuses heavy on being absurd, random, and fourth wall breaking. This movie is one of those movies that basically has two or three stories going on the same time were in the the being of film they seem to be to be happening in separate from each other but by the end total blend together into one stroryline. This one of those movies that is self aware of its self, well at least the human characters for the most part act that way. The story is entertaining and actors do a good job of conveying their roles in the story. The special are fairly good and serve their purpose in the film. I would recommend this to anyone who likes absurd and random humor or to anyone who wants to see something different than pretty much wants to see something completely different than they normally have seen in a movie before.


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 7 30 Days of Night (2007)

Day 7 was movie adaption of the comic 30 Days of Night.


My Review:

30 Days of Night was overall very good movie with some minor flaws that should not hold people back from watching it. The issues with movie were that there are some noticeable bad editing during the first half of the movie that made some scenes not transfer between well between each shot. The other issue for the most part is that when CG and green screen effects are used they are noticeable and are badly done. With that said the story is pretty good and flows generally well. The movie sets and acting are done very well with a few exceptions here and there. This movie does make me want to read the comic it is based off, which is not a bad thing. I would recommend this to horror movie fan, especially the modern fan, and anyone looking how likes to see a good dose of action in their movies. 

You can stream this movie for free (with ads) on Crackle.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 6 Rodan (1956)

Day 6 was the giant monster movie Rodan. I watched the original US release version. 


My review:

Overall Rodan was decent giant monster movie, with only a couple issues. Such as the sometimes bad dubbing, some bad special effects, and for the most part the unneeded added footage to the US release version. The acting except for some of the dubbing was done pretty good. The story was done fairly good only some of the added footage to the US release seemed unneeded. The special effects were done very well with only exception being some the explosion effects looked kind of bad. Rodan is very good movie and I would recommend it to anyone who likes giant monster or Japaneses movies.


31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 5 The Mummy's Hand (1940)

Day 5 was the 1940 horror B-movie The Mummy's Hand (1940)


My Review:

The Mummy's Hand was overall pretty good for being a B horror movie with the over use of the comic relief characters, a stupid MacGuffin, plot device, and a some noticeable plot elements that seem no reason to be there being the only real issues with the movie. The comic relief characters are not bad in this film but are over used they can make some scenes drag on longer than it needed to be but overall I found them to be entertaining and not too annoying. As for the MacGuffin, the vial and leaves of immorality are only really there for to push the mummy scenes along and give the mummy a reason to kill people and it's a little confusing how the immortality works. Also the movie seems to bring up plot elements that either do not get resolved or just come up from no were for no reason. With the issues I brought up I still found this movie enjoyable to watch. The plot for the most part was good and the acting is good for a b-movie. I would recommend this movie to any b-movie fan, if your looking for a movie with serious plot watch something else this movie is not it.

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 4 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920 Barrymore version)

Day 4 was the 1920 silent horror movie Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde the version starring John Barrymore, there were two Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde released in 1920.


My Review:

The silent movie version of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was a very nice version of this classic story to watch. The only issues I had were that the movie could been edited better in certain scenes and that some scenes could of used an extra dialogue card or two to explain whats going on in the scene other than that the movie was very enjoyable to watch. The acting was done very well; all the characters displayed proper reactions to what's going. The Jekyll to Hyde transformation was done very well and the make up on the Hyde character were done very well considering what time period this movie was made in.  I would recommend this movie to anyone who likes silent movies or anyone who interested in special effects.<   

You can stream and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

Friday, October 4, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 3 Re-Animator (1985)

Day 3 movie was the cult classic Re-Animator.
Fun Fact: If you did not know Re-Animator is based on the H. P. Lovecraft story Herbert West–Reanimator.


My Review:

My overall impression of Re-Animator is that is a very good movie with some minor flaws. Re-Animator is a good fun movie to watch, if your a gore fan you'll like this film. The only flaws are really in some of characters acting and the movie has trouble balancing it's self between reality and fiction. I say that about the movie because from what I interpreted form the begin to about the middle of the movie the movies science works in a plausible factual reality but by near the end of the middle of the movie is basically goes into fictional territory were the science makes less sense and makes you scratch your head thinking how is this possible happening. Also the movie makes you question   some character's character choices because one or two leaving you asking why did that character make that choice to do that or why is this going along with this plan. Even though with those issues I had with the movie I still found it rather enjoyable. Though out most movie that acting is pretty good, most of the actors played their roles pretty good. The gore and humor in this movie are done very well, it's better than some current movies. This is a movie I would recommend to any cult, horrror, and gore movie fan.


Thursday, October 3, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 2 The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Day 2 movie was the 1925 silent horror movie classic The Phantom of the Opera starring Lon Chaney.


My Review:

Overall The Phantom of the Opera was a very good movie, The movie's story was presented in a very nice way, with the exception with some scenes not flowing very well, but that could be caused by a number of reasons such as either by limits of silent cinema that caused some scenes not to be expressed well, bad editing due to lost or misplaced footage in the version of the movie I watched, or just my not understanding of how people behaved in the 20's and 30's. While movie was not scary by today's standards it's still worth watching.The scenes were all done very well they really brought you into the world of the movie and the makeup on the Phantom was very good, especially when current horror films can not do their makeup right. The acting is done pretty good for a silent movie of it's time. I found this movie very enjoyable I would recommend this to and classic or silent movie fan who has not already seen it. I would not recommend this to people who do not like silent movies because I don't think this film will change your mind about them, but your curious about the film then by all means go watch it. 

Here's a public domain version if you want to watch it.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 1 White Zombie (1932)

I've decided to celebrate the month of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, witches, and expensive dentist bills by doing another 31 Days of Horror. Which is where I watch at least one horror movie a day for the next 31 days and write a review of sorts that explains what I think about the movie I watched for that day. So let's let the screams begin.

Day 1 movie was the horror classic White Zombie starring but who else Bela Lugosi. White Zombie is known as the first feature length zombie film.


The Review:

White Zombie I found to be a good movie but flawed. The story was overall good but was lacking in certain areas. This is mainly cause by the poor acting in some of the scenes and the quality of the film transfer I was watching, I watched the version that is streamed on Netflix. The story is presented in slow pace and some scenes tend to drag on for a little while, namely the mill scene. As for acting Lugosi was the best overall, I wouldn't say that whole cast was bad, except for that annoying vulture, but it seems that they should of tired a different take or give the actor better stage direction with some of the scenes and the movie would of been all the better for it.  I would recommend this movie to any classic horror movie or Lugosi fan. I would not recommend this movie to a zombie movie fan, especially the modern zombie fan, or the modern movie goer because this movie does not fit into modern terms of what a zombie movie should be. Overall it is a good movie with some flaws that should be appreciated for what it is. 

The film is in the public domain so feel free to download and share the film with whoever you like.