Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 14 Invisible Invaders (1959)

Day 14 is the 1959 SciFi b-movie Invisible Invaders.


My review:

Overall Invisible Invaders is fairly good b-movie. The story for the most part is pretty interesting, although is presented poorly in some areas of the movie. This movie has a bad issue of having a narrator explain majority of what's going on in the movie instead of having the actors or the scene it's self explain it. The other issue this movie has its it likes to reuse the some same footage for the Invader scenes. The acting is pretty much your standard b-movie fair, nothing too special or bad about it. The effects are good considering when the movie was made, except I think it was a stupid choice to have the invaders drag their feet on the ground instead of showing foot prints when their invisible. I would recommend this movie to any b-movie movie fan or anyone looking for a movie to riff.

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