Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 11 Attack of the Puppet People (1958)

Day 11 was the underrated 1958 horror/SciFi movie Attack of the Puppet People.

My Review:

Attack of the Puppet People I found to be a very enjoyable movie to watch. The story and characters are all very interesting and enjoyable to watch. The sets for each of the scenes are done well, especially the sets for when the people are shrunken down to the size of a doll. They only thing I would complain about this movie is that the movie poster for it is basically a lie scene shown on the poster appears nowhere in the movie and that the Attack Of... part of the title is unneeded because for the most part the "puppet" people do not really attack anyone or anything. I would recommend this movie to anyone looking for a good 50's movie to watch or to anyone looking for an actual good B-movie to watch.

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