Friday, October 25, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 24 The Cabin in the Woods (2012)

Day 24 was the dark horror comedy The Cabin in the Woods.

My Review:

Cabin in the Woods is one of the best original horror/comedy movies I have seen in a while. This movie basically takes everything cliche in a horror and turns it upside down and then turns it back right side up, while keeping everything in the movie original. There are a lot of references to other horror movies and books in this movies, see if you can figure them out. This movie tells an interesting story and it keeps your attention pretty much all the way through. The acting in this movie is pretty good, no actor really steals the show or is annoying enough to ruin the movie. The one thing it did lack was an extra punch of gore in some scenes. I would recommend this movie to any horror and/or dark comedy fan looking for something new to watch  Fingers crossed for an sequel or prequel to someday be released.

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