Friday, October 25, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 23 The Toxic Avenger (1984)

Day 23 was the cult classic The Toxic Avenger.

My Review:

If there was a movie that defined what a cult classic is this movie would that definition. The Toxic Avenger is probably one of, if not the, best low budget action/horror movie I seen in a while. This is my first experience with a Troma movie and I think I choose the right movie to start with. Toxic Avenger is a well put together movie for what it is, it puts some big budget movies to shame of what they pull off in this movie. This movie is fun to watch especially if your fan of over the top gore and dark and/or absurd comedy. I like how this movie uses it's extreme style of violence to make you hate the criminals and thugs ever more than you already do and it makes it even more gratifying when Toxie, the Toxic Avenger, takes his vengeance out on these criminals and thugs. The acting and special effects are very good in this movie, from a low budget point of view. While this movie does have a lot of good qualities it does have some faults mainly with some bad editing choices and that why did they hide the Toxie's face for the first half of the movie, his face is one the poster for gosh sakes! I would recommend this movie to any one who is a fan cult, B, low budget, action, and horror movies.

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