Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 17 Pharaoh’s Curse (1957)

Day 17 was the underrated horror Pharaoh's Curse.


My Review:

Pharaoh's Curse was an overall pretty good movie. This was pretty good to watch the story for the most part was down fairly well. The acting while not great was done good enough to keep you interested in the movie. Also the sets were down fairly well, not your typical b-movie style sets. It looks like they actually took time and effort to make this movie look like it takes place in Egypt. The special effect make up on the monster is done very good. The nice thing about this movie is that it does not fallow the typical mummy movie format, instead of a movie that has a mummy going around killing people it has a person affected by the Pharaoh's Curse carry out the killing which I think is a nice change to the normal mummy movie format. I would recommend this movie to any horror or mummy movie fan looking for a different type of movie to watch.

If you want to see a trailer for this movie you'll have to watch it on IMDB, could not find one on YouTube.

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