Tuesday, October 15, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 10 Attack of the Crab Monsters (1957)

Day 10 movie was the 1957 Roger Corman b-movie Attack of the Crab Monsters.

My review:

Attack of the Crab Monsters is overall an OK B-SciFi movie. This movie is your classic definition of what a 50's B-SciFi movie is. The plot of this movie seem like it was made up on the fly while they were filming it, well it is a Roger Corman movie. The acting is pretty OK with only a few actors not giving a good performance. The crab monsters are not bad but are pretty stupid. I would recommend this movie to any B-movie or Corman fan. Also to anyone who's looking for a good laugh of seeing who bad this movie is. This movie is good riff material for anyone looking to riff a movie while watching it.

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