Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 16 The Amazing Transparent Man (1960)

Day 16 was the B-SciFi/MST3K classic movie The Amazing Transparent Man.


My Review:

Overall The Amazing Transparent Man is a pretty meh type of movie. The movie's plot does feel like it was shoehorned together. Also the movie feels like a poor man's Invisible Man. The story of an Invisible bank robber sounds good on paper but was poorly executed. The acting is OK for your standard B-movie fair. The only thing really interesting in this movie is seeing the early 60's special effects. I would recommend this movie to any MST3K fan who wants to see this movie unriffed, anyone who interested in seeing special effects, or any B-movie fan.

You can download and watch the public domain version of this movie at the Internet Archive.

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