Wednesday, October 2, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 1 White Zombie (1932)

I've decided to celebrate the month of ghosts, ghouls, zombies, witches, and expensive dentist bills by doing another 31 Days of Horror. Which is where I watch at least one horror movie a day for the next 31 days and write a review of sorts that explains what I think about the movie I watched for that day. So let's let the screams begin.

Day 1 movie was the horror classic White Zombie starring but who else Bela Lugosi. White Zombie is known as the first feature length zombie film.


The Review:

White Zombie I found to be a good movie but flawed. The story was overall good but was lacking in certain areas. This is mainly cause by the poor acting in some of the scenes and the quality of the film transfer I was watching, I watched the version that is streamed on Netflix. The story is presented in slow pace and some scenes tend to drag on for a little while, namely the mill scene. As for acting Lugosi was the best overall, I wouldn't say that whole cast was bad, except for that annoying vulture, but it seems that they should of tired a different take or give the actor better stage direction with some of the scenes and the movie would of been all the better for it.  I would recommend this movie to any classic horror movie or Lugosi fan. I would not recommend this movie to a zombie movie fan, especially the modern zombie fan, or the modern movie goer because this movie does not fit into modern terms of what a zombie movie should be. Overall it is a good movie with some flaws that should be appreciated for what it is. 

The film is in the public domain so feel free to download and share the film with whoever you like.

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