Friday, October 4, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 3 Re-Animator (1985)

Day 3 movie was the cult classic Re-Animator.
Fun Fact: If you did not know Re-Animator is based on the H. P. Lovecraft story Herbert West–Reanimator.


My Review:

My overall impression of Re-Animator is that is a very good movie with some minor flaws. Re-Animator is a good fun movie to watch, if your a gore fan you'll like this film. The only flaws are really in some of characters acting and the movie has trouble balancing it's self between reality and fiction. I say that about the movie because from what I interpreted form the begin to about the middle of the movie the movies science works in a plausible factual reality but by near the end of the middle of the movie is basically goes into fictional territory were the science makes less sense and makes you scratch your head thinking how is this possible happening. Also the movie makes you question   some character's character choices because one or two leaving you asking why did that character make that choice to do that or why is this going along with this plan. Even though with those issues I had with the movie I still found it rather enjoyable. Though out most movie that acting is pretty good, most of the actors played their roles pretty good. The gore and humor in this movie are done very well, it's better than some current movies. This is a movie I would recommend to any cult, horrror, and gore movie fan.


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