Tuesday, October 8, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 7 30 Days of Night (2007)

Day 7 was movie adaption of the comic 30 Days of Night.


My Review:

30 Days of Night was overall very good movie with some minor flaws that should not hold people back from watching it. The issues with movie were that there are some noticeable bad editing during the first half of the movie that made some scenes not transfer between well between each shot. The other issue for the most part is that when CG and green screen effects are used they are noticeable and are badly done. With that said the story is pretty good and flows generally well. The movie sets and acting are done very well with a few exceptions here and there. This movie does make me want to read the comic it is based off, which is not a bad thing. I would recommend this to horror movie fan, especially the modern fan, and anyone looking how likes to see a good dose of action in their movies. 

You can stream this movie for free (with ads) on Crackle.

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