Thursday, October 3, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 2 The Phantom of the Opera (1925)

Day 2 movie was the 1925 silent horror movie classic The Phantom of the Opera starring Lon Chaney.


My Review:

Overall The Phantom of the Opera was a very good movie, The movie's story was presented in a very nice way, with the exception with some scenes not flowing very well, but that could be caused by a number of reasons such as either by limits of silent cinema that caused some scenes not to be expressed well, bad editing due to lost or misplaced footage in the version of the movie I watched, or just my not understanding of how people behaved in the 20's and 30's. While movie was not scary by today's standards it's still worth watching.The scenes were all done very well they really brought you into the world of the movie and the makeup on the Phantom was very good, especially when current horror films can not do their makeup right. The acting is done pretty good for a silent movie of it's time. I found this movie very enjoyable I would recommend this to and classic or silent movie fan who has not already seen it. I would not recommend this to people who do not like silent movies because I don't think this film will change your mind about them, but your curious about the film then by all means go watch it. 

Here's a public domain version if you want to watch it.

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