Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 22 The Shining (1980)

Day 22 was the psychological horror classic, based on Stephen King's novel and directed by Stanley Kubrick, The Shining.


My Review:

I have heard good things about the Shinning nearly all my life and I can say I was not disappointed by this movie. This movie is pretty one of the movies I have seen in a while. The story in this movie very good with everything in this movie just drags you into to this movie and makes you forget about the world around you for two hour and forty minutes. All of the acting in this movie is top notch. The special effects are done very good, considering most modern major studio releases' effects do not look as good as the effects in this movie. All the sets used in this movie help bring you into this movies world. I would recommend this movie to anyone who is looking to watch a good movie even though it might give them nightmare.

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