Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 9 Psycho (1998 remake)

Day 9 was the 1998 remake to the horror classic Psycho.


My review:

This movie is overall a good movie, not great but not total bad either. This movie is basically a shot for shot remake of the original with a couple differences. Let's just say if you watched the 1960 classic and then watch this remake your basically just watched them same movie twice. With what the remake adds that's new content it basically adds a little bit extra to the story and atmosphere, but must of it was unneeded, especially the quick cut away shots. The one major compliant is that why set the movie in 1998 but then make everything else in the movie look like like it's from the 1950's and 1960's, except for that one stupid and shameless piece of product placement. I guess this movie could of been better if they did not do an shot for shot remake but instead update the script for a modern time period and add something new to script while adding in some of the elements, such as some of the iconic camera work and remake some of memorable scenes, that made the the original so remember-able. I don't not like to call a movie bad or skippable because no matter what type of movie you make someone out their might like it for some reason. I would only recommend this to someone who already has scene the original or some someone who absolutely hates black and white movies. Because if you have not watched the original watch that one instead because that one is the obvious the far superior version. 

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