Tuesday, October 22, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 21 Manos: The Hands of Fate (1966)

Day 21 was the cult, B/Z movie, MST3K/Rifftrax classic Manos: The Hands of Fate. Manos is considered to one of the worst movies ever made.


My Review:

This my first ever watching the complete unriffeed version, by MST3K or Rifftrax, of Manos: The Hands of Fate and what I have heard that it is nearly an unwatchable movie to be watch unriffed I found be an tolerable movie to watch. While my experience with movie is that maybe different than most people is because I like to watch bad movie and I kind of already now what to expect from this movie because I've seen it riffed a few times before and that this movie is pretty laughable bad of how badly this movie was put together. This movie has to be one lazily and/or sloppily edit movie I have ever watched. This movie is full of obvious jump cuts, some which appear mid scene. I think I actually only really saw one proper fade cut in the whole movie. There are a few scenes that the characters lips are moving but with no audio to go with the scene. I think this movie was stretched pas the 60 minute mark using extended driving scenes and scenes of people standing around saying nothing to each other. The acting in this movie ranges from OK to barely can considered to be acting. The plot of this movie is a little confusing and you might need to think about it for a little while before it starts making sense. I will say one good thing about this movie it does have a good credit sequence. Also I would not consider this the worst movie of all time, because trust me I have seen worst, but it still deserves to be on the list of one of the worst movies ever made. I would only recommend this movie only to MST3K and Rifftrax fans who want to see the movie unriffed and to anyone who tolerance for bad movies. 

You can watch and download this movie for free on the Internet Archive.

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