Wednesday, October 9, 2013

31 Days of Horror 2013: Day 8 Rubber (2010)

Day 8 movie was the comedy horror Rubber. Rubber tells the story about a living serial killer tire with psychic powers.


My review:

Overall Rubber is a fairly entertaining film that might not be for everyone. This movie is one of those that you need to watch to understand. The best way I think I could describe it is that if the guys of Monty Python and the Coen Brothers teamed up to make a horror film I think this is what they would come up with. The story's humor in this film focuses heavy on being absurd, random, and fourth wall breaking. This movie is one of those movies that basically has two or three stories going on the same time were in the the being of film they seem to be to be happening in separate from each other but by the end total blend together into one stroryline. This one of those movies that is self aware of its self, well at least the human characters for the most part act that way. The story is entertaining and actors do a good job of conveying their roles in the story. The special are fairly good and serve their purpose in the film. I would recommend this to anyone who likes absurd and random humor or to anyone who wants to see something different than pretty much wants to see something completely different than they normally have seen in a movie before.


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